BijjamIT provides full range of quality data conversion, file conversion and media conversion services that are both timely and cheaply.
We guarantee the confidentiality of the data that you provide. No copies of media are retained.
All printed material and magnetic media will be returned or destroyed.
Convert from/to Backup Program
Convert ASCII from/to EBCDIC
Add/Remove/Change Record Delimiters
Convert "Label" or "Report" Format Data to Database
ASCII Fixed Width/Delimited to/from Database
Convert from/to Packed Fields
Convert from dBase/Clipper/xBase++/FoxPro etc. to any other format
Word Perfect/MS Word
Comma Delimited/SDF/Tab Text/MS Access
Excel/Lotus/Quattro Pro
BM Mainframe 3480/3490 Cartridge (18 track ASCII/EBCDIC)
9-track magnetic tape reel ( 1600/3200/6250 bpi ASCII/EBCDIC)
CD-ROM/Jaz Drive/Zip Drive/Floppy